Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Light yet feature-packed CRM for small businesses


Manage clients and client organizations. Keep track of all the projects and finances.

Deal Actions

Deal actions helps your schedule and track the progress with each potential client.

Customer Support

Complete the circle of client services through a built-in ticket-based customer support solution to easily keep track of all customer queries and concerns.


Generate leads, assign deals and once the deals are closed convert your leads to clients with a single click of a button.

Collaborators & Contacts

Add and assign collaborators to clients to assist clients when collaborating on projects or transactions. Add client contacts for additional persons who may not be actively involved but might need to be contacted.


Send proposals to your leads and if the proposal is accepted it’s automatically converted to an invoice.


Create and assign deals to new leads and your existing clients. Move them through the stages of sales funnel until closed.

Client Portal

Let your clients collaborate through their dedicated client portal. They can only see information relevant to them and can collaborate in real-time on projects, proposals, contracts and finances


While proposals are brief in nature once accepted you may follow up with a detailed multipage agreement with your client to make sure you are fully covered.